研究テーマは中枢神経系の神経伝達物質受容体の機能解析及びシナプス伝達制御機構。小脳プルキンエ細胞や海馬錐体細胞からの電気生理学(パッチクランプ法)やイメージング解析(2光子レーザー顕微鏡)の生理実験から得られた結果を定量的に解析・表現し、その生理機能を調べる還元主義の姿勢で研究している。中枢神経伝達物質受容体(グルタミン酸受容体やアセチルコリン受容体)に関する研究では分子生物学的実験方法も用いる。 最近は、アルツハイマー病の原因特定のための生理学実験や代謝異状のコンピュータによる数理モデル解析にも興味を持っている。
過去の論文はJournal of Physiology, Journal of Neurophysiology, Journal of Neuroscience, Nature Neuroscienceなどに発表。
著書「ニューロンの生理学」(京都大学学術出版会/仏語翻訳代表)、「バイオイメージングの最先端」(先端医療技術研究所刊/共著)、Slow Synaptic
Responses and Modulation(Springer/共著)等。趣味は絵画、旅行。
「脳の生理学」、「生物化学I(タンパク質の構造と機能、酵素作用など)」、「生物化学II(代謝と生合成)」、「生物化学III(遺伝情報と分子生物学)」、 「行動生理学」、「生体情報システム論」、「生体と制御」、「神経生理学II」、「分子生命工学」など
プリンストン大学分子生物学研究室【米国】、Dr. Shy Shoham
フライブルグ大学神経生理学研究所【ドイツ】、Prof. Ad Aertsen
フランス国立科学研究機構【フランス】、Director Bernard Poulain
オークランド工科大学【ニュージーランド】、Director Nikola Kasabov
カールツアイスMicroscope Imaging【ドイツ】、Dr. Eva Simbuerger
東京大学医学研究科細胞生物学研究室、岡部繁男 教授
筑波大学大学院工学研究科、酒井宏 教授
山口大学理工学部、西井潤 教授
理化学研究所脳科学総合研究センター、中井淳一博士 (現埼玉大学脳科学融合研究センター長)
東京都医学研究機構東京都精神医学総合研究所 精神生物学分野研究分野、ディレクター 池田和隆博士
「国立大学法人総合研究大学生科学研究科生理系専攻5年一貫性博士課程」、「英国ブリストル大学PhDコース」、 「玉川大学大学院脳情報専攻科」、「高等学校数学教論」、「中等学校数学教論」、など企業
「オリンパス光学工業」、「NTT データー」、「旭化成SE」、「協和エクシオ」、「三菱ビル・テクノサービス」など
1. Kojima, H., Ichikawa, K., Ileva, V.L. et al. (2000). Properties of AMPA receptor channels during long-term depression in rat cerebellar Purkinje cell. In Slow Synaptic Responses and Modulations, eds. by K. Kuba, H. Higashida, D. A. Brown et al. p307-314. Springer, Tokyo, Berlin
2. Kobayashi, T., Ikeda, K., Kojima, H., et al. (2000) Novel targets for alcohol action: Gprotein-activated inwardly rectifying potassium channels. Neuroscience. Research Suppl. S126. 24
3. Poulain, B., Humeau, Y., Kojima, H., and Molgo, J. (2000) Les neurotoxines de Clostridium : des toxines agissant sur la transmission synaptique. (in French). Bull. Soc. Francaise de Microbiologie vol 15, No. 2, p81-89
4. Poulain, B., Humeau, Y., Kojima, H. et al. (2000) Lethal toxin from C. sordellii inhibits a late step in neuroexocytosis. (in French) XIIIth World Congress of the Internationel Society of Toxinology, Paris. L30.
5. Humeau, Y., Kojima, H. et al. (2000) Bacterial toxin: Tool to detect the transition between multiple synaptic vesicle stores during neurotransmitter release and synaptic plasticity. Biology of the Cell vol 92(6) p468-469
6. Humeau, Y., Kojima, H. et al. (2000) Votre neurotoxin peferee bloque la transmission synaptique ? (in French), Societe Francaise d’Etude des Toxin, Paris
7. Munro, P., Kojima, H., et al. (2001) Interaction of tetanus toxin with a GPI-anchored protein at the surface of mouse neural cells. ETOX Meeting, Brussels
8. Humeau, Y., Kojima, H., et al (2001) Determination de l’etape du processus d’exocytose bloquee par les BoNT/A et B et la TeNT par l’analyse des fluctuation d$B!G(Bamplitude de responses synaptique. (in French) 4th reunion du Club Exocytose, Arcachon, France.
9. Humeau, Y., Doussau, F., Kojima, H., et al. (2001) La toxine l’atale de C. Sordellii reduite le nombre de sites de liberation. (in French) 4th reunion du Clob Exocytose, Arcachon, France.
10. Munro, P., Kojima, H., Dupont, J-L., Bossu, J-L et al. (2001) High Sensitivity of Mouse Neuronal Cells to Tetanus Toxin Requires a GPI-Anchored Protein. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication vol. 289 p623-629
11. Humeau, Y., Popoff, M., Kojima, H., Doussau, F., Poulain, B. (2002) *Rac GTPase Plays an Essential Role in Exocytosis by Controlling the Fusion Competence of Release Sites. Journal of Neuroscience vol. 22(18) p7968-7981
12. Kojima, H., Munro, P., Dupon, J-L., Bossu, J-L., Poulain, B., Boquet, P and Tsukada., M. (2004) High sensitivity of Mouse neuronal cells to Tetanus Toxin requires a GPI-anchored protein. Japanese Journal of Physiology vol. 54, Suppl, 306 S142
13. Kojima, H., Satoh, M., Magamune, Y and Tsukada, M. (2004) Enhancement of optical signals recorded from CA1 of CaMKII-transgenic mouse during long-term potentiation. Neuroscience Research Suppl. 1, vol. 50, OG3-10
14. Kojima, H., Munro, P., Dupont, J-L., Bossu, J-L, Poulain, B. and Tsukada, M. Important role of rafts and GPI-anchored proteins in neuron sensitivity to TeNT. (2004) 144.9. Oral session of Presynaptic Mechanisms. Society for Neuroscience USA.
15. Kojima, H., Humeua, Y., Tsukada, M., and Poulain, B. (2004) *Application of modified non-stationary analysis for the inhibitory synaptic transmission in Aplysia. Tamagawa University Research Review. Vol.10, p1-18.
16. Kojima, H., Ileva, LV., Traynelis SF., and Tsukada, M. (2004) *Nonstationary Noise Analysis and its Application to Synaptic Plasticity. Submitted to Biological Cybernetics
17. Kojima, H., (2004) Fast multi-point uncaging system for activation of many points of a neuron. Symposium of new methods in neuroscience. 23, Nov. 2004
18. Tsukada, M., Yamazaki, Y. and Kojima, H., (2004) Experimental investigation of dynamical model of learning and memory. Proceedings of the Sentan-nou. P159
19. Kojima, H., Humeau, Y., Tsukada, M. and Poulain, B. (2005) A graphical analysis of synaptic transmission in Aplysia. Japanese Journal of Physiology Suppl. S152,
20. Fukushima, Y., Yamazaki. Y., Aihara, T., Kojima, H. and Tsukada, M. (2005) The requirement of back-propagating action potentials to the induction of associative LTP in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. Neuroscience Research Suppl.
21. Kojima, H. (2006) Development of fast multi-point stimulation system and its application to neural network analysis. Conference of new methods and technologies in neuroscience. Tohoku University in Sendai. Symposium speaker.
22. Kojima, H. (2006) Innovation in multi point stimulation, spectral analysis and fast imaging by Carl Zeiss. The 83th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan. Luncheon Seminar speaker.
23. Kojima, H., Yoneyama, M., Kamijou, M., Yamazaki, Y., Tsukada, M. (2006) Imaging analysis of associative LTP in rat hippocampus CA1 region. O66, 1O-04F7. The Journal of Physiological Sciences S84, vol. 56 Suppl. April.
24. Kojima, H. (2006) Synaptic activations by UV un-caging and neuronal function analysis. The 29th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society Luncheon Seminar speaker.
25. Kojima, H. (2006) A system for rapid uncaging in defined patterns and its application. Neuroscience ResearchSuppl.
26. Kojima, H., Simburger, E., Boucsein, C., Maruo, T., Tsukada, M., Okabe, S., Aertsen, Ad. (2006) Multi-point synaptic activation by UV-laser uncaging system. Society for Neuroscience in the USA. 479, Atlanta.
27. Kojima, H. (2006) Development of UV-laser uncaging system and its application to neural function analysis. Workshop of Sentan-nou, August, Sappaor, Japan
28. Kojima, H. (2006) Fast multi-point uncaging system and its application to experimental and computational neuroscience. Invited Seminar at Colloquium Tsukuba University, Department of System Information Engineering.
29. Kojima, H., Simburger, E., Boucsein, C., Maruo, T., Tsukada, M., Okabe, S., Aertsen, Ad. (2006) Development of a system for patterned rapid photolysis and 2-photon confocal microscopy. Page(s): 66-74, volume 22, Issue 6 IEEE Circuit and Device (Laser and Electro-optical Society) Magazine.
30. J. Nakai, T. Maruo, C. Boucsein, M. Tsukada, S. Okabe, H. Kojima (2007) Multi-point synaptic activations of neurons by a system for rapid patterned photolysis Workshop of Tougounou at Sapporo
31. H. Kojima, T. Maruo, S. Katsumata, S. Tojou, Y. Nakazato, M. Tsukada, S. Okabe, K. Sakai. (2007) Analysis of synaptic transmission by UV and IR laser photolysis. Neuroscience Research Vo. 58 Suppl. 1, S43
32. Tsukada, M., Yamazaki, Y., Kojima, H. (2007) Interaction between the Spatio-Temporal Learning Rule (STLR) and Hebb type (HEBB) in single pyramidal cells in the hippocampal CA1 Area. Cognitive Neurodynamics Vol.1,2./June, p157-167
33. H. Kojima, T. Maruo, S. Katsumaata, S. Tojou, Y. Nakazato, M. Tsukada, S. Okabe, K. Sakai. (2007) Properties of synaptic transmission by UV and IR laser photolysis and its application. Society for Neuroscience in the USA, San Diego.
34. S. Toujoh, Y. Nakazato, T. Maruo, S. Katsumata, K. Sakai, H. Kojima (2008) A system for rapid patterned photolysis by ultraviolet (UV) laser beam. Proceedings of the Faculty of Engineering (Tamagawa University). No. 43,p13-22
35. H. Kojima, S. Katsumata, T. Maruo, S. Toujoh, Y. Nakazato, A. Takano, K. Sakai (2008) An analysis of aynaptic transmission by AMPAR channel kinetics model. Neuroscience Research 2008, July 11, Tokyo
36. S. Toujoh, Y. Nakazato, S. Katsumata, T. Maruo, T. Kisen, K. Sakai, H. Kojima. (2008) An analysis of AMPAR synaptransmission by laser and kinetics model. Society for Neuroscience in the USA, Washington DC.
37. H. Kojima (2008) Development of a fast multi-point laser uncaging system and its application to analysis of neural circuit (III). (in Japanese) Proceedings of Workshop of Tougounoh 2008.
38. Katsumata, S., K. Sakai, S. Toujoh, A. Miyamoto. M. Tsukada, and H. Kojima (2008) Analysis of synaptic transmission and its plasticity by glutamate receptor channel kinetics models and 2-photon laser photolysis. Proceedings of ICONIP 2008
39. Kojima, H. (2009) Synaptic transmission and its plasticity by kinetics models: a future application of 2-photon laser photolysis. Riken BSI invited and forum seminar. February 18, 2009
40. Kato, F., H. Kojima, S. Mochida (2009) Physiologie du Neurone (Translation from the French Textbook, total 750 pages) Kyoto University Press, 加藤総夫、小島比呂志、持田澄子 代表訳 「ニューロンの生理学」、全750ページ、京都大学学術出版会
41. Nakazato, Y., S. Toujoh, A. Miyamoto, T. Sasaki and H. Kojima (2009) A physiological and Molecular Biological Study of Rat Cerebellar Long-term Depression, Biophysical Society 53rd Annual Meeting of USA, Boston
42. Kojima, H and S. Katsumata (2009), *An Analysis of Synaptic Transmission and its Plasticity by Glutamate Receptor Channel Kinetics Models and 2-photon Laser Photolysis. Vol. 5506, pp88-94, LNCS
43. Kojima, H. (2009) Experimental and theoretical development of neural dynamic data analysis. Invited symposium speaker, New Zealand, 8 August, 2009
44. Kojima, H., S. Katsumata, S. Okabe, K. Sakai, S. Shoham (2009) Glutamate receptor channel kinetics models and synaptic plasticity ---- Future application of 2 photon laser photolysis, 36th International Congress of Physiological Sciences August, 2009
45. Miyamoto, A., Y. Nakazato, A. Kawaguchi, C. Toyoshima, T. Sasaki, H. Kojima (2009) Analysis of synaptic transmission mediated by AMPAR channel with TARP(γ7), 36th International Congress of Physiological Sciences 2009
46. Toyoshima, C., Miyamoto, A., Sasaki, T., Kojima, H. (2009) An analysis of synaptic transmission mediated by AMPA channel and possible role of TARP (γ7) The 32nd Annual Meeting the Japan Neuroscience Society, September, 2009
47. Kojima, H., Toyoshima, C., Kawaguchi, A., Toujoh, S., Nakamura, S. (2009) An analysis of synaptic transmission The 32nd Annual Meeting the Japan Neuroscience Society, September, 2009
48. Kawaguchi, A., Toyoshima, C., Nakamura, S., Kojima, H. (2009) A study of synaptic transmission of cerebellar Purkinje cells by laser photolysis and glutamate receptor channel kinetics model Society for Neuroscience, October, 2009
49. Kojima. H. Change in Properties of Nicotinic ACh Receptor Channels in B-cells of Bullfrog Sympathetic Ganglion during Development in vivo (2009) PLoSONE (submitted)
50. Yoneyama, M., Fukushima, Y., Kojima, H., Tsukada, M. (2009) Analysis of the spatial-temporal characteristics of synaptic EPSP summation on the dendritic trees of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons as revealed by laser uncaging stimulation. Journal of the Japan Neural Network Society. Vol.17, No. 1, pp2-11.
51. Kojima, H. (2010) An Analysis of AMPA receptor kinetics during synaptic efficacy change in cerebellar Purkinje cell. Invited Seminar, Saga University Medical School. 20 January 2010
52. Kasabov, N., Schliebs, R., Kojima, H. (2010) Computational Neurogenetic Modelling: A Brain Research Framework. Brain Research (submitted)