Guest Speaker


英語リテラシー3で島田先生をお迎えしました。4〜8歳の子供に教える英語を学生が参加しながら体験学習しました。環境問題をテーマに、どんな活動ができるか、またすぐに使える英語の歌などをたくさん紹介していただきました。後半の1時間は、学生達が日本の絵本をどのようにして英語教材に活用できるか、自分達でlesson Planをグループごとに考え発表しあいました。島田先生が、昨年いらした時の内容もよければ参考にしてください。以下は、島田先生のLesson Planです。










  1. Attendance

  2. Informal conversation <5 min.>
    (e.g. "How are you?" "How's the weather?" "How old are you?" "What's your name?)

  3. Introduce the environment section of "Shimajiro" book. (Use the "quiz" page, etc.) <5 min.>

  4. Read the book "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" along with the tape.
    Review three keywords: reduce, reuse, recycle
    Check pronunciations of "L" and "R".

  5. Introduce the book "Good planets are hard to find" (ABC book for environment)

  6. Craft (rice cup)
    Materials: plastic bottles, used manicures, gold/silver tape

  7. Telephone game---review keywords

  8. Good-bye song


Optional activities: Make categories for different items (e.g. plastic bags. for "reduce", glass bottles for "reuse", newspapers for "recycle", etc.)


Review three keywords: reduce, reuse, recycle


Flow of the class

  1. Students line up vertically, facing the teacher.

  2. Teacher first teaches students "left" and "right", emphasizing the pronunciation of "L" and "R" by showing each card.

  3. Teacher moves students side by side with the commands "Right!" or "Left!" until they fully understand.

  4. Teacher next introduces three 'environmental' keywords--reduce, reuse, recycle--emphasizing that they all start from "R" sound. (It would be better if teacher also explains the meaning of each word by showing illustration/picture or actual item which was either reduced, reused or recycled)

  5. Teacher sometimes mispronounces those words with the letter "L" (e.g. 'le'duce, 'le'use, 'le'cycle) intentionally. In such cases, students have to move to the "left" side.

  6. Teacher continues to move students either left or right by saying "leduce" or "reduce", "leuse" or "reuse", and "lecycle" or "recycle".

  7. After they get used to this practice, teacher let each student to command to the rest and do that same.