*This activity plan was prepared by the
following education major students, Tamagawa University in the course
of "Teaching English to Children"
Student teachers:
Junko (senior), Noritaka (senior), Yui (junior), Masumi (junior), Tomomi(senior)
Target Children: (background, features, age, etc.)
Tamagawa First Division, the 3rd Grade(ファースト3年 生)
英語劇 "The Farmer and the Beet"の練習を12月から始めている。年齢的には、いわゆる ギャングエイジと言われるこの時期にあたり、集団で行動し仲間と活動の場を共有することを好む。この特性を活かし、グループで英語劇に参加できる場面を取 り入れ、学習をより活動的に主体的に進めるようにする。
今回の交流会も、すでに児童がよく知っている教室や体の部分の名前を”One little finger”の歌 でwarming upした後、参 加型の英語劇を大学生と児童で創り上げていく。”The farmer and the Beet”をアレンジし、fishermanが子供達の力を借りながら、念願の大きな魚を釣り上げていくストーリー。
Goal: 大学生との交流を通して、英語劇の学習で身につけた表現力を発揮する。
Demonstrate and Express Creativity through English Drama with College students
Attitude objectives:・ Students will be able to take part in the drama.
・ Students will be able to cooperate each other.
Language Objectives:
・ Students will be able to sing “One little finger.”
・ Students will be able to answer the fisherman’s questions.
・ Students will be able to play his/her role in English.
Target vocabulary:
・ One little finger:
Body parts (nose, mouth, back, head, etc.).
・ Magician quiz:
Names of things in the classroom (ceiling, floor, chair, table, etc.).
・ Fisherman drama:
Names of animals (fish, tuna, rabbit, octopus), fruits and vegetables (apple, beet, etc.), a boot, a shark, and an anchor.
Activity Plan:45 minutes
Teacher will …
5 minutes
(全 員、前に並んでいる。)
Hello! How are you?(子どもの様子を見て)
My name is Yui.
My name is _______.
My name is _______.My name is _______.
My name is _______.
Today, we are going to play a few activities and we will sing a song, too.
Are you ready? Please, stand up!
Now, show me your pointing finger.
Can you show me?
Okay, now, can you point to your nose?
Can you point to your mouth?
Then point to the window!
Point to the whiteboard!
Point to the ceiling!
Point to the floor!
Point to your friend's nose!
Put it on your head! (Touch you head!)
All right!
Do you know this song? (ゆっくり見本で歌う。)
♪“One Little Finger”
One little finger,
One little finger,
One little finger, tap, tap, tap.
Point to the ceiling, point to the floor.
Put it on your nose. (Touch your nose!)
Do you know this song?
(S: Yes/ No. )
Can you sing with me?
(S: Yes/ No. )
One little finger,One little finger,
One little finger, tap, tap, tap.
One, two… ♪ Kids(かけ声をする時は、ゆっ くり、子どもをよく見て)
Point to the ceiling, point to the floor.
One, two… ♪ Kids
Put it on your nose. (わからない子には、小声の 振りをして、ささやき声でTouch your nose!)
One, two… ♪ Kids
Great!! Now, we can sing together. Slowly, O.K.?
One little finger,
One little finger,
One little finger, tap, tap, tap.
Point to the ceiling,
Point to the floor.
Put it on your nose.
(アシスタンとが小声でTouch your nose!)
Very good!! One more time, a little faster.
One little finger,
One little finger,
One little finger, tap, tap, tap.
Point to the ceiling,
Point to the floor.
Put it on your head.
Nose? No, head this time.
Good! Excellent!
So next, Masumi-sensei will show you some magic!
Please sit down.
Activate the class!
人差し 指を出して見せる。合っている子がいたら、“Yes, that's right!”
間違っ ている子がいたら、“No,no! Do like this!”と言って見せる。
単語を 理解していない子がいたら、ジェスチャーやアイコンタクトで伝える。
ゆっく りと歌う。
1番だ け歌う
1セク ションごとに、声をかけ、子どもたちが続いてうたえるようにする。
ゆっく り、子どもと一緒に歌う。
少し早 くして一緒に歌う。
みんな が英語、歌の楽しさを味わえるように褒めて、テンションをあげる。
ますみ 先生の登場。各自を座らせる。
(10 minutes)
(20 minutes)
1. Tuna
2. Octopus
3. Rain boot
3. A Shark
4. An Anchor
5. A Super Big Fish
T: Boys and girls! What’s this?
(S: It’s a hat.)
Yes, I have a hat and I have a question.
・What is this? (帽子の中を指差す)
Can you touch it?(触らせる)
Is it hard? (S: Yes.)
Is it soft? (S: Yes.)
Can you see it?(チラっと耳だけ見せる)
It has long ears. (ジェスチャー入れ て)
It likes hopping.(ジェスチャー入れて) What is it?
(S: It’s a rabbit.)
That’s right! It’s a rabbit!
・What is this?
Can you touch it?Is it soft? (S: No.)
Is it Small?
(S: Yes/No/Maybe.の回答がありうる。)Maybe, it is round. (丸いかも)
Can you smell it? (鼻をフンフンさせて)Mmmmm… a good smell. Yummy smell!!!
What is this?(S: Mango!)
Good guess! But, No.
(S: Orange!)Close! Very close!(すごく惜しい!)(It’s an apple.)
That’s right! Very good!
・Now, what is this?(足だけ見える)
Let’s count them. (子どもと一緒にゆっくり)
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven,and Eight!
It has eight legs.
What is this?
(子ども達がわからないような ら)
It lives in the sea.You can eat it.
What is this?
(It’s an octopus.) ←アシスタント達もささや声
・What is this? (葉だけ見える)
(S:Daikon! Kabu!)
Good guess, but no! Try more!
Can you see it? (チラッと見せる)
One more time? O.K. here! (チラッと見せる)
What color is it?(S:Red.)
The farmer eats it.
(S: Beet.)
That’s right! It’s a beet.
Oh, somebody comes.
F: Hello. I am a fisherman.
I want to catch a big fish.
I heard there is a big fish under the sea.
It is a Super big fish!
I will catch the fish and eat it.
Oh, I think I got something big.
I am a fisherman. So watch! (誇 らしげに)
One, two, three!Ha!Ha!Ha!(誇らしげに笑う)
I got a tuna fish!
Oh! I got another one. Let me see…
I want a super big fish.
It’s very heavy.
Is it the big fish?
Oh no, it’s really heavy.
F: I want to get it!
Oh, No! I can’t get it. I need help.
Please help me.
Any volunteers?
Please raise your hand.
Thank you.
○○ come here.
Hold my back and help me pull.
AT: Like this? (わざとシャツをつまむように)
F: No, no! Hold my back tightly.
AT: O.K. Like this?
F: Yes, that’s right.Don’t pull my cloths.
Don’t pull too strong.
Gently, but looks strongly. O.K.?
F: Are you ready?
AT: Yes.
F: One, two, three!
AT: Like this?
F: No, no! Hold it nicely.
AT: O.K. Like this?
F: Yes, that’s right.One, two, three! One more time.
One, two, three!F: No, no! Too strong! Nicely please.
F: Can you show him/her how to pull?
○○,Hold my back and help me pull.
Can you hold here. Are you ready?
One… two… three!
F: ○○,good job! You did very well.
What is this?
(アシスタント達は小声で an Octopus)
(S: Octopus.)
That’s right! An Octopus.
Thank you very much. I got an octopus!
再 び児童のほうを向く。
AT: But I still want to get a super big fish.
Let’s try again.
F: Yes, but I am very tired.
So, it’s your turn.
Please hold it.
AT: OK, Now I am a fisherman.
Are you ready?
All: Yes!
One, two, three! One more time.
One, two, three!
F: We can’t get the big fish.
We want more help.
So please help us.
Any volunteers?
Please raise your hand.
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe! ○○, come here.
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe! ○○, come here.
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe! ○○, come here.
(児 童3人を選び、前に 来るよう指示をする。)
F: Please come here?
○○, please help me. Pull my back.
○○, please pull your friend’s back.
○○, please pull here.
S&F:One, two, three!
F: It’s still heavy. Let me think what it is.
M: I can show you a little bit!
Did you see it? (チラッと見せる)
One more time? O.K. here! (チラッと見せる)
What color is it?
(S: Pink.)Is it big?
(S: No.)
Can you eat it?
(S: No.)
F: What? A big thing?
F:I thing I got it! Let’s see.
One, two, three!
Oh! That’s right, it is an octopus.
F::Everyone, good job! But I want to catch a big
fish this time. Any volunteers?
Please raise your hand.
F: Eeny, meeny, miny, moe! ○○, come here.
moe! ○○, come here.
moe! ○○, come here.
○○, ○○, ○○, please go to my back, and pull it together. Please hold on to me and let’s pull together!
M: Sheee… I will help you.(呪文をかける ポーズ)
Up, Up, Up….Down.(Upであげていく)
M: Did you see it?(ささやくように)
F: What is it? I don’t know.
Do you know?(後ろの子供達に聞く)
(口々に言う)Is it a big fish?
(S: No.)
M: This is not a fish.(ささやくように)
F: What is it?
Everyone, please help us.
F: Is it a fish?
(S: No.)
F: What color is it?
(S: Pink!)
F: Can I eat it?
(S: No!)
F: (ため息をついて)Let’s try one more time.
○○, ○○, ○○, Are you ready?
One, two, three!
One, two, three!
F: Wow! We got it.
Oh, but what is this?
David-sensei, what is this?Can you say it? A rain boot?
(S: A rain boot!)
F::Everyone, good job! But I want to catch a big
fish this time. Any volunteers?
Please raise your hand.
F: Eeny, meeny, miny, moe! ○○, come here.
moe! ○○, come here. moe! ○○, come here.
please go to my back, and pull it together. Please hold on to me and let’s pull together!
One, two, three!(少し見えるけど、釣れない)
Are you ready? One more try!
One, two, three! (イカリ を半分見せる)
Let’s get more help. Any volunteers?
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe! ○○,Eeny, meeny, miny, moe! ○○,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe! ○○,
moe! ○○, moe! ○○,
Now, I think I can get it.
Everybody, are you ready?
(S: Yes!)
One, two, three!
One, two, three!
F: Wow! We got it! What is this?
Ogawa-sensei, what is this?(小川先生から、It’s an Anchor.)
Oh! This is an anchor! Can you say it?
(S: It’s an anchor!)
F: ため息を大きくして、がっかりする。
But I want to catch a super big fish.This is the last time.
Any volunteers?
Please raise your hand.
F: Eeny, meeny, miny, moe! ○○, come here.
moe! ○○, come here. moe! ○○, come here.
Please go to my back, and pull it together.
One, two, three!(少し見えるけど、釣れない)
One, two, three!
One, two, three!
F: Wow! We did it. It’s the fish!!!!
Thank you so much! I can cook this fishtonight.
喜びの歌(Hello songの替え歌)
We did it!We did it!
We did it finally!
I’m happy!
I’m happy!
I’m happy and thank you!
M: Let’s sing together!(指揮棒を振る)
Now, dancing and singing!
全 員:Thank you very much!
(役者さんのように格好 をつけてお辞儀)
触らせたり、においを嗅が せたり、チラッと見せながら、五感を使ってヒントを与える。Smellなどは、鼻をフンフンさせてわかるようにする。
Maybe.(た ぶんね)
Good guess! (いい感してるね!)
Close!(お しい!)
Fisherman (F)は大きな声・大げさな動作で児童を惹き付ける。
この時点では何が竿にか かっているのか、児童に見せないようにする。
最初は教師が見本としてア シスタントをし、漁師の後に並び手伝う。
AT= Assistant Teacher
児 童にルールを教える。
・ 洋服を引っ張らない。
・ 本当に竿を引っ張ってはいけない。
こ こでは、強く引っ張り過ぎで転ぶ。
上 手な引っぱり方の確認をする。
子 どもの名前がわからない時は、Good job! だけにする。
ATが児童を選 び連れてくる。児童を選ぶ際、児童に公平感が伝わるように全員を見渡し迷ったふりをする。
竿に引っかかっているものを劇に出ていない児童に見える ようにする。
観客の児童からヒントをも らう。
釣竿にかかっているものが 分かったら釣り上げて全員で確認する。
アシスタントが 時計を持って入場
A: Fisherman! Hey,fisherman!
Your mother is coming!
Come home now!
F: O.K. this is the last time.で、5.super big fishのところに入る。
で きるだけ当たっていない子を選ぶ。
Fishermanやアシスタント達が、電車のように繋がっていく。子供達も巻き込んで、い く。
歌 いながら、踊りながら、全員が教室を1週する。
5 minutes
Good-bye song.