Current status of natural product screening programs in Japan
Toru Okuda
Programme and Abstracts of Ninth International Congress for Culture Collections, Brisbane, Australia. 23-38 July, 2000. 61p.
The expectation toward fungal metabolites was tremendous since blockbuster drugs such as mevalotin and cyclosporine were launched more than a decade ago. During these years, meanwhile, technologies for drug discovery process have been highly advanced and diversified. Pharmaceutical industries are keeping up with heavy competition with high-throughput screening (HTS), combinatorial chemistry and genomics. The better-faster-cheaper strategy tends to drive out the natural products screening (NPS) programs, which take time and cost much. Recently, we took a survey of the NPS activities by sending questionnaires to various organizations mainly in Japan. Seventy-three percent of them are conducting NPS. However, they are facing difficulties including pure technological problems to cope with HTS and more political issues such as Conventions on Biological Diversity. I will discuss trends and future in the NPS programs. I will also touch on the possible roles of culture collections in the future based on our expectations towards Japan’s biological resource center.
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