Keiichi Odajima (小田島 桂一)
平成9年度 玉川大学 大学院 工学研究科
電子情報工学専攻 修士課程修了
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秦奈緒美、二方明、向山重徳、小田島桂一、樋田 栄揮、斎藤秀昭 (1997)
信学技報、NC97-21, 79-82.
Perception of visual flow composed of texture of different
attributes and its neural representation.
Saito, H., Hida, E., Ohno, H., Odajima, K. and Tamanoi, D.(1997)
Progress in Connectionist-Based Information Systems. (Proc. ICONIP'97-Dunedin),
Springer, Vol.1, 10-13.
Area MT cells detect an illusory line motion.
Nomura, M., Hida, E., Odajima, K., Tamanoi, D., and Saito, H.(1998)
IOVS (Investi. Ophthalmol. Visual Sci.) 39 (4), S904.
MT neurons in monkey exhibited two types of bimodal direction
tunings as predicted by model for visual motion detection.
Okamoto, H., Kawakami, S., Saito, H., Hida, E., Odajima, K., Tamanoi, D., and Ohno, H.(1998)
Vision Res., 1998, submitted.
Physiological validation of bimodal direction tunings predicted
by a motion detection model in area MT of monkey.
Okamoto, H., Kawakami, S., Saito, H., Hida, E., Odajima, K., Tamanoi, D., and Ohno, H.(1998)
Proceed. ICONIP'98, Vol. 3, 1422-1425.
Neural correlate for the perception of two-directional transparent visual flow.
Hida, E., Saito, H., Ohno, H., Odajima, K., and Tamanoi, D.(1998)
Proceed. ICONIP'98, Vol. 3, 1551-1554.